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Scholarship Resources

Our TVCA students deserve to have access to possible scholarship opportunities. But each opportunity is unique and requires special efforts to complete each application process. The bulk of the responsibility is on the student to understand deadlines and procedures for each scholarship for which they want to apply.  Apply to an many as you can! Here are several links to help you get started!

Read this article: 10 Tips for Writing Effective Scholarship Essays

Download this Scholarship Tracker 


Scholarships Available to students:


By State:

Here are two great scholarships for Idaho residents! Note: a student can not apply for both the Idaho LAUNCH and the Idaho Opportunity Scholarship in the same year. You must choose one or the other.

Idaho Opportunity Scholarship — awarded to Idaho residents that have graduated, or will graduate, from an Idaho high school, Idaho home school, or who passes a GED/HSE test in Idaho. Applicants must have AT LEAST a 2.7 GPA.  Up to $3,500 per year.

Idaho LAUNCH — Idaho LAUNCH is a grant program that provides students a one-time opportunity to have 80% of the published tuition and fees at an eligible institution covered, up to a maximum amount of $8,000. To qualify, students must:  Be a graduate from an Idaho high school, home school, or GED • Be an Idaho resident • Be enrolled in or have applied to an eligible Idaho institution • Begin enrollment by Fall semester after graduation • Complete a Career Pathway Plan at nextsteps.idaho.gov


United States Senate Youth Program Scholarship — Are you a rising high school junior or senior who holds a leadership role within your school’s government or honors society? If so, consider applying for the United States Senate Youth Program Scholarship! Each year, the program offers two students per state a $10,000 scholarship. In addition to the monetary award, winners receive the opportunity to participate in Washington Week. This is a mandatory week-long stay in Washington, D.C. in which you will be able to partake and witness meetings with the Senate leaders, Supreme Court justices, many other important officials, and even the U.S. President! In order to apply, you must contact either your high school principal, counselor, history teacher, or state selection contact to receive an application. 

Idaho Governor’s Cup Scholarship — the Idaho Governor’s Cup Scholarship provides approximately 25 awards to Idaho high school or home school seniors planning to attend an Idaho college or university. Funds are awarded to students pursuing academic or career technical education. This is a $5,000 award for academic recipients, $3,000 for career-technical recipients, renewable up to four years for academic programs and up to three years for career technical programs. See also the Idaho State Board of Education webpage.


By College:

Keep in mind that some of your best chances for scholarship money will come directly from the college you are accepted to–much of which will be directly tied to your Grade Point Average and/or FAFSA.

Boise State University Scholarship Page

College of Idaho Scholarship Page (Caldwell)

College of Western Idaho Scholarships Page

Idaho State University Scholarship Page

Lewis and Clark State College Scholarship Page

Northwest Nazarene University Scholarship Page

University of Idaho Scholarship Page

Treasure Valley Community College Scholarship Page — See also this list.

Hillsdale College Scholarship Page

Grove City College (Pennsylvania) — A helpful video interviewing actual scholarship recipients!


By Local Opportunities:

Agile Homes Trades – Apprenticeship Scholarship — Available for Electrical and Plumbing Apprentices. Agile Homes of Fruitland Idaho has generously created a scholarship for students in TVCCs Electrical Apprentice and Plumbing Apprenticeship programs. We are hopeful that HVAC will be added in the future as TVCCs Apprenticeship Program grows.  Selected students will be awarded up to $500 toward class fees. An additions award of up to $500 is possible if the student apprentices under one of Agile Homes Trade Partners Shilo Plumbing or Powerhouse Electric.

Auto Ranch Foundation Scholarship Application — Fourteen $1,000 scholarships awarded!

The D.L. Evans Bank Scholarship Program awards a total of $32,000 to high school seniors in our service areas each year. Sixteen $2,000 scholarships are awarded and students are able to use the funds at any accredited college, university, or trade school located in the United States.

D & B Supply Scholarship — two $1000 scholarships for students have been enrolled in their local chapter of FFA!

Farmers Mutual Telephone in connection with the Foundation for Rural Services — offers graduating seniors a chance at a handful of scholarships for their first year of college or vocational school. See the 2024 pdf here. How to apply for FRS Scholarships:  1) Identify Farmers Mutual Telephone Company as your NTCA Member.  2) Visit Scholarships | FRS – Foundation for Rural Service to find a link to the scholarship platform, Kaleidoscope.  3) You must access the application via the Kaleidoscope link on the FRS website.

The McCain Family Scholarship is a competitive, full-tuition, four year scholarship to The College of Idaho in Caldwell, Idaho. Two scholarships are available annually, one awarded to a Payette High School senior, the other to a senior attending a public rural school in the Treasure Valley. Applicants must possess a G.P.A. of at least 3.25. See this short video about this scholarship!

Idaho Community Foundation — This is a portal to search for regional scholarships, searchable by regions within Idaho.

The Lightfoot Foundation — We assist students in the Treasure Valley who wish to further their education.

Western Treasure Valley Rotary — They only have a facebook page, but the scholarship opportunity is there!

Trademark Dental Scholarship Application (2024) — $1000 scholarships for residents of Payette or Gem Counties who are pursuing a career in the health profession.


By Topic of Study:

CollegeScholarships.org — Is a deep dive into scholarships available across the country. Many are very niche and some of them are tied to your home state or to a college. But it a wealth of info organized around subject matter. See if you qualify for one!

Careers That Work! Scholarship: Cosmetology Scholarship. Gives five $1000 tuition scholarships ($500 tuition scholarships are available for programs taking less than six months to complete) to award to graduating students headed to one of the participating career colleges: Participating colleges: Aveda Institute- Boise, Paul Mitchell The School- Boise & Nampa, The Salon Professional Academy
Idaho Aviators Association Scholarships — The IAA is pleased to offer three scholarships, one of which is worth $7000 for someone going to flight school! For guidelines, see also this PDF.
American Welding Society Scholarships — Since 1993, the AWS Foundation has awarded over 12,000 scholarships, totaling more than $15 million. Receiving an AWS Foundation scholarship enables welding students to focus on their education and training while turning their passion for welding into a rewarding career.
Saint Alphonsus Upfront Tuition Scholarship (or Tuition Reimbursement Program) — leveraging partnerships they already have with local community colleges and universities, Saint Alphonsus hospital sponsors scholarships for those going into certain medical fields. Check out their list of jobs and watch their informational video.
FCCLA Future Educator Scholarship —  A $2,000 – $5,000 scholarship for a graduating Idaho high school senior entering an early childhood education degree pathway at an accredited Idaho college or university.



Corporate Sponsored Scholarships / Other:

The Burger King Foundation is a U.S. based 501(c)(3) public nonprofit that believes without education you limit your potential to be your own way. We have awarded nearly $60 million to over 51,000 deserving students across North America. Our goal is to grant one scholarship for every BK® restaurant — that’s more than $7 million each year! Scholarships range from $1,000 to $60,000 and are intended to offset the cost of attending college or post-secondary vocational/technical school. Recipients are selected through an application process that takes into consideration their grade point average (GPA), work experience, extracurricular activities, financial need and community service. In 2024 alone, the Foundation awarded over $4.5 million in scholarships to nearly 4,200 students.


Chick-fil-A™ Community Scholars program — High school seniors, college undergrads and graduate students of any age are invited to apply for $25,000 awards from the Chick-fil-A™ Community Scholars program!  Up to 12 $25,000 Chick-fil-A Community Scholarships will be awarded based on academic success, community service, and financial need. In addition, applicants must have a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale), demonstrate care through community service during the last twelve months, and be recommended by 1-3 teachers, coaches, community leaders, or mentors.


Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation — The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation supports more than 1,400 exceptional college students each year, with annual scholarships of $3.55 million awarded through 3 nationally recognized programs.


Elks National Foundation Scholarships: Most Valuable Student — The Elks National Foundation will award 500 four-year scholarships to the highest-rated applicants in the 2025 competition. Male and female students compete separately. Ranging from $1,000 per year to $7,500 per year. For more information contact the Elks National Foundation Scholarship Office at scholarship@elks.org.


Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship Program —  The company is committed to removing the financial barriers that sit between all students and the education pathways that lead to the jobs of tomorrow.  Lockheed Martin will award up to 200 scholarships of $10,000 per student, renewable each year. Awards will be open to individuals studying eligible engineering or computer science majors, who demonstrate financial need, and come from underrepresented or underserved communities. In addition, they also offer the Lockheed Martin Vocational Scholarship Program


Idaho Power Company Memorial Scholarship 2024 —  This scholarship was created to memorialize the lives of former Idaho Power employees Douglas E. Sprenger, Kevin M. Whittier and Larry R. Wimer. This $1,000 scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors planning to enroll in an engineering program at an accredited Idaho college; OR college students of any level enrolling in a natural resources program at an accredited Idaho college. The scholarship is awarded on a one-time basis and is not renewable. 


Sallie Mae Scholarship Sweepstakes — a $2,000 monthly give away.


TYLENOL® Future Care Scholarship — gives away ten $10,000 scholarships to students heading into the medical field. Applications open in May, and are due in August of your Senior year! Apply early!


Hagan Scholarship Foundation — The Hagan Scholarship is a nationwide need-based merit scholarship, providing recipients “regardless of nationality” with the opportunity to achieve their goals and graduate college debt-free. The scholarship provides up to $7,500 each semester for up to 8 consecutive semesters. Applicants must graduate from a high school located in the United States. Eligible high schools include public, private, charter, magnet, and STEM schools. The Applicant’s Adjusted Gross Household Income reported in the previous year must not have exceeded $100,000.



{We know there are many other scholarship that could be listed here. If you know of other local scholarships that we should consider listing, or if you know of a business that wishes to sponsor a scholarship, please let us know at communications@tvcacademy.org}


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