Knowing the path forward to graduation is a major component in finding success in Jr- and Sr- High and beyond. Therefore, the below Graduation Plan is for you to know what is coming year by year (grades 9-12), and also track your academic success. Keep this in a safe place and refer to it from time to time.
Each student should have already received this document, but if you did not, please print the version available here:
A printable full version: One-Page TVCA Graduation Requirements
Overview of High School Graduation Track
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is a “Credit”? Answer: In Idaho, awarding “credits” helps measure the progress of a student through high school as classes are completed. For a typical year-long class that meets daily, a student will have completed the required class-hours to be awarded one (1) credit for each semester–for a total of two (2) for that two-semester class. If the course meets only every other day (or even every day but only for one semester), then only one (1) credit will have been earned. In the above chart, the numbers in parentheses show the number of credits awarded for each class.
- How many years of Math do I need to take in high school? Answer: The state of Idaho requires that students earn three years (6 high-school credits) in mathematics above the level of pre-algebra. Thus, while this class will fulfill TVCA’s own requirement to take four years of mathematics in high school, pre-algebra does not count as a high school state credit.
- How many years of Foreign Language do I need to graduate? Answer: You need 3 years (6 credits), per the TVCA requirement.
- How many years of Science do I need to graduate? Answer: 4 years (8 credits). The normal sequence is Biology, Chemistry, Physics, then Astronomy or other science such as Geology. Some students may end up taking Geology before they take Chemistry if they do not meet the math prerequisite to take Chemistry in their Sophomore year. (See footnote 5 in the chart above).
- What other classes does TVCA require? Answer: In addition to the normal core classes in Literature, History, Math and Science, there are several other required courses: Health, Composition, Rhetoric, Economics, Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy, American Government, Senior Thesis. Please see the chart above.
- What is the Senior Thesis? Answer: Each senior at Treasure Valley Classical Academy will complete a capstone Senior Thesis paper as a graduation requirement. Under the guidance of a faculty tutor, students will write a 15-page research paper in which they study a great text and an enduring human question. In addition, they will prepare an oral presentation. The confidence that students build will prepare them for college, a career, and life.
- What if I failed a class? How will I make up the credits to keep me on a track to graduate on time? Answer: Usually a student will be required to make up credits by taking an online class during the summer, via the I.D.L.A. system of course offerings (IDLA stands for Idaho Digital Learning Alliance). This kind of credit remediation is a vital step in making sure you are still on track to graduate.