MS Boys Basketball Away @ Wilder
MS Boys Basketball Away @ Wilder Thursday, February 15⋅3:30 – 6:00pm Location: 419 Huff Rd 419 Huff Rd, Wilder, ID 83676, USA notes Description: Dismissal - 2:15pm Departure - 2:30pm Arrival - 2:00pm B game - 3:30pm A game - 4:30pm
Shakespeare Festival (elementary)
We have a wonderful opportunity to host the Idaho Shakespeare Festival at TVCA! They will be performing The Legend of Finn McCoy on Friday, February 16 at 10am for 4th-6th grades and 11:25am for K-3rd. These performances will last less than an hour.
Tip-Off Week
More details coming soon!
Core Lecture Series #2 (canceled)
Core Lecture Series#2 -Condra TVCA Parents: Dr. Condra's discussion of the challenges George Washington faced as President, which was scheduled for this evening, is postponed and will be rescheduled to a date to be determined. We recognize that many families are committed to the children's Finding Nemo performance tonight that our K-3 students […]