5 events found.
Annual Pumpkin Patch (PTCA)
Treasure Valley Classical Academy 500 SW 3rd Ave, Fruitland, ID, United StatesThe PTCA invites you to participate in the front lawn Fall festivities. This will be a fun time to enjoy all things Fall! Taking place on the TVCA front lawn. P U M P K I N S , A P P L E C I D E R , […]
Annual Fall Bonfire (Upper School)
Check back soon for more information on this evening event.
Homecoming Dance
Treasure Valley Classical Academy 500 SW 3rd Ave, Fruitland, ID, United StatesSave the date! More detail to come soon!
School Photos (individual and class)
Please be aware that all students K-8 should come wearing the "required uniform" items, and 9-10 should wear their formal dress uniform.
Student of Q1 Assemblies (4-9)
Please check back soon for more information on this event.