5 events found.
Annual Upper-School Fall Bonfire
Details coming soon!
Core Curriculum Speaker Series – Mrs. Williams
Treasure Valley Classical Academy 500 SW 3rd Ave, Fruitland, ID, United StatesPlease join us for a discussion of topics of scientific interest, led by TVCA's leading biologist, Mrs. Williams!
Core Curriculum Speaker Series – Mr. Lambert
Treasure Valley Classical Academy 500 SW 3rd Ave, Fruitland, ID, United StatesWe hope you'll join us for a discussion of educating future citizens, led by Mr. Lambert.
Timberwolf Athletics – H.S. Basketball Games
The high school boys' and girls' teams both play away games against Adrian on Thursday, December 8. Go Timberwolves!
Timberwolf Spirit Day
Treasure Valley Classical Academy 500 SW 3rd Ave, Fruitland, ID, United StatesFriday, December 9 will be a Timberwolf Spirit Day! Spirit wear is encouraged and popcorn will be sold in the lunch room for $1.