5 events found.
***TO BE RESCHEDULED*** Timberwolf Athletics – H.S. Basketball Games
The high school boys' and girls' teams both play away games against Baker. New game day to be determined. Go Timberwolves!
Timberwolf Spirit Day – Special Holiday Edition!
The last day before the long holiday break will be a special holiday-wear Spirit Day!
Timberwolf Spirit Day – Friday, January 6
Students are encouraged to wear Spirit Wear on Timberwolf Spirit Day - Friday, January 6!
Timberwolf Athletics – H.S. Basketball Games
The high school boys' and girls' teams both play away games against Baker on Friday, January 6. Go Timberwolves!
TVCA Information Session for Prospective Families
We invite prospective parents to join the TVCA leadership team for an overview of our academic philosophy, academic plan, school life, and sports / activities, and a detailed explanation of the enrollment process. The presentation will conclude with a question and answer period.