5 events found.
***TO BE RESCHEDULED*** Timberwolf Athletics – H.S. Basketball Games
The high school boys' and girls' teams both play away games against Gem State. New game day to be determined. Go Timberwolves!
***TO BE RESCHEDULED*** Timberwolf Athletics – H.S. Basketball Games
The high school boys' and girls' teams both play away games against Baker. New game day to be determined. Go Timberwolves!
Timberwolf Spirit Day – Special Holiday Edition!
The last day before the long holiday break will be a special holiday-wear Spirit Day!
Timberwolf Spirit Day – Friday, January 6
Students are encouraged to wear Spirit Wear on Timberwolf Spirit Day - Friday, January 6!
Timberwolf Athletics – H.S. Basketball Games
The high school boys' and girls' teams both play away games against Baker on Friday, January 6. Go Timberwolves!