5 events found.
Board of Directors Meeting
Fruitland City Hall 200 South Whitley, Fruitland, IdahoThe Treasure Valley Classical Academy monthly Board of Directors meeting is an open public meeting.
Information Session
Fruitland City Hall 200 South Whitley, Fruitland, IdahoPlease join Principal Stephen Lambert for one of our monthly information sessions to learn more about Treasure Valley Classical Academy, its curriculum and how to enroll. There will be plenty of time for Q&A after each session.
SchoolMint Enrollment Clinic
Payette Public Library 24 S 10th St, Payette, IdahoTo help parents with the enrollment process. Mrs. Holly Fugate (our enrollment coordinator) will be there with her computer to step you through the SchoolMint enrollment process.
Lottery Deadline
The intent-to-enroll deadline for the April 12 lottery is on April 5 at 11:00pm MST. If you have not yet registered your intent-to-enroll, please do so here.