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9th-Grade Cross Country Meet

Caldwell High School 3401 S Indiana Ave, Caldwell, ID, United States

TVCA's high-school runners will compete at the Caldwell Invitational. Go Timberwolves!

TVCA Timberwolf Spirit Day

TVCA's first Spirit Day of the school year will take place on September 2. Details and guidelines regarding spirit wear will be sent out as the day approaches.

Guns & Roses Concert Fundraiser

Lazy Bear Ranch Weiser, ID 612 Unity Ln, Weiser, ID, United States

We invite you to join us for TVCA's special capital campaign concert, auction, and fundraiser on September 10.

Volleyball Away Game (Grades 6-8)

Nampa Christian School 505 W Orchard Ave, Nampa, ID, United States

TVCA's volleyball teams compete at Nampa Christian. Go Timberwolves!